
Dark Side Of The Mime: Edinburgh Fringe

Dark Side of the Mime explores the grotesque like nothing else. It mixes together classic pantomime with porn, splatter, and violence. In its core lies the fundaments of our common culture and its tabus – we gasp with horror and tremor with laughter at the same time because we all know we are seeing the same things on stage, even though the images are conjured up using only simple gestures. This is possible since we all are dark in our minds in the same way. In a way we are also laughing at each other in the sense of ”you are seeing the same as I am, aren’t you?”.

So if the first common denominator is the darkness, the second one is the laughter.

We all know the jokes we tell each other in good, secure, and secluded company. The ones we wouldn’t be ready to share with anyone. Well, our show does it. Dark Side of The Mime is the subconscious bared exposed in a very raw, unhinged, and – well, very funny way.

So, if you like to, you can see it as a smart look into the mechanics of popculture, or then just take it as it is. A mime-porn-splatter-show.

Best Theatrical Act 2014
Actor of the year 2015
A sell-out hit in Finland!

Assembly Roxy Central 23:15
7.–30.8. previews 5.–6.8.


Dark Side Of The Mime: Edinburgh Fringe
Dark Side Of The Mime: Edinburgh Fringe

Tilaa Takomon uutiskirje

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